kirana samhita

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fable 2: The Irresponsible Cats
A Responsible Political Agent once decided that He had been too long without committing a Deed Worthy of His Office. Finding a Colony of Cats whose leader he happened to particularly dislike, for no specific reason, He decided to provide the Blighted cats with a new Leader, anointed by him, and improve their lot.
He sent his Pack of Dogs, with matchsticks, over to perform the appointed Task and was surprised to see that the Pack had reduced the population of the Cats, burnt and destroyed their habitation and lost quite a few of their own, to boot.
He therefore decided to teach the unfortunate cats to cooperate with the Pack and found, to his immense surprise, that things now became much worse, with the Cats ruling over the others being, at once, antagonistic to the some of the other Cats as well as the Pack of Dogs.
Just then, the Sound of Laughter Shook the Earth and the Sky, and He looked up and saw the Gods laughing at Him, and pointing out, as the cause for his singular lack of success, the naivete in the belief of a Pack of Dogs improving the lot of the Cats. The Responsible Political agent, however, pointed out to a bewildering lack of hopsitality, from the Cats, toward the Pack of Dogs who were bent upon imporving the lot of the same Cats and also accused the Cats of Irresponsbility, of Fiddling while Cat-land was burning.
The New leaders of Cat-land smiled and thanked the Responsible Political Agent for introducing the fiddle into their kingdom and in such numbers.

Note: A Fiddle maybe described as an instrument made of Horse hairs and the entrails of a Cat.
Inspiration for this piece:


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